Getting Attachments down from ArcGIS Online

For all of the ArcGIS Online users out there, this is a tutorial on how to download your features with attachments from your published online service.  We completed a recent sign inventory or over 8,000 signs including photos of each with esri's Collector app and our ArcGIS Online subscription.  The client needed all of the attachments delivered locally to use with their other proprietary GIS software so we needed a way to pull them down with the features.

1. The Source:

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:

The download may take some time, probably depending on the number of features and related attachments (This took probably another 10-15min to complete during my tests, and was 2G+).

The download may take some time, probably depending on the number of features and related attachments (This took probably another 10-15min to complete during my tests, and was 2G+).

Step 4:

Once your download is complete and you unzip the files, you get a File gdb like the one below, containing those features and the related attachments:


Step 5:


Finally, pull the feature class into ArcMap and verify the attachments are linked:

Final Note: Attachments are stored as rasters within the geodatabase.  To export them to a local directory you may refer to the following thread:

The above technical article is incomplete as it does not account for photos with duplicate names, please read the User comments below the article for complete assistance. 

Enjoy this video from Micah explaining the whole thing. 

Technology changes and updates. Some of these points may be different in the software by the time you read this