Erin and Hunter had a great trip to West Des Moines for Cloudpoint’s first foray into Iowa for a conference. The Iowa Technology and Geospatial Conference (ITAG) is a unique mash-up of GIS professionals from the Iowa Geographic Information Council and IT experts from the Iowa Counties Information Technology organization. As the use of GIS continues to grow, the abilities and complexity of these systems leads it to becoming more entwined with Information Technology and services. As such, this combination of specialties are well suited for a joint conference.

Clearly the Force was strong this year as the Star Wars theme made these scruffy-looking nerfherders feel right at home. Hunter and Erin both had the chance to present at wonderfully attended sessions which only solidified our plans to make sure and rejoin this group next year:
Branch Out: An Intro to Branch Versioning by Hunter Ray
Enterprise geodatabase versioning is an integral part of enterprise GIS and allows for flexible and manageable workflows for multi user editing scenarios. This presentation will cover the basics of Branch Versioning, the newest variety of database versioning for Esri users. This new versioning has been reconfigured to alleviate some of the pain-points of Traditional Versioning, and relies on a feature services-based platform for version use and management. In this presentation, we will go over some of the basics of the Branch Versioning platform, then demonstrate publishing and using versions at the feature service level. It’s time to Branch out!
View his webinar from earlier this year on this topic
Address Labels: Not Just for Envelopes by Erin Strickler
In this presentation, learn how to leverage labels and symbology in ArcGIS Pro to assist you in your address editing (and other!) workflows. And, like your mom tried to sneak in your vegetables, we'll sneak in some attribute rules to allow you to have some real-time visual feedback while you are editing.
View her webinar from earlier this year on this topic
Again, all the thanks to ITAG and it’s attendees for being so welcoming. We will see you again next year!