This year’s Esri User Conference in sunny San Diego was a smashing success. While Jon goes for at least a few days every year to check in with the Esri bigwigs, and get some education himself (specifically Indoors), others in the office rotate around attendance at this ultimate gathering of GIS geniuses. This year, Bill Steele- Business Development Manager, and Daniel Prewitt- GIS Project Manager and Public Safety Team Leader, attended with much appreciation (and anticipation), as it was the first time for both.

Unfortunately, akin to numerous conversations had at the UC, there were some flight delays that slowed things down, but as a whole, everyone was able to make it for most of the grand opening Plenary sessions on Monday. Inspiring and intellectual, as always, it is truly a spectacle better appreciated in person.
The team was able to wrap up the first day with a fantastic dinner (thanks to Jon’s wife, Megan, and her exceptional restaurant choice) with a handful of current clients. We wish we could host ALL of our wonderful clientele, but we’re not quite ready for the big social shindigs that some of the larger companies put on (by the way, thanks for the invite on Tuesday, Seiler!). Thankfully, Jon was able to take another small group out on Tuesday night.

Boosting our ArcGIS Indoors knowledge
Panoramic of one entrance to the Expo Hall
Bill and Daniel couldn’t resist going to the USA vs. Panama Gold Cup game that happened to be in San Diego on Wednesday night. While the US suffered a tough loss, the seats and atmosphere were amazing.
USA vs. Panama at Snapdragon Stadium- San Diego, CA
Thursday night close out with the big Esri party at Balboa Park. Food, drinks, art, music, history, and entertainment were packed into every spot imaginable—a wonderful close-out to the week.
Cloudpoint highly recommends that everyone attend this event at least once; the knowledge transfer, tons of resources, and personal networking only make us a brighter and better GIS community.