Get some REST!

An Updated list of ArcGIS REST services

With the GIS industry’s acceptance of ArcGIS Enterprise and Online (whether you like it or not) as a repository for data sharing and display, users can easily access these data and consume them in their own applications. We at Cloudpoint Geographics regularly grab REST endpoints of important services that are publicly facing and put them on our internal website. As well, we have an ongoing collection of ArcGIS Online Organizations homepages an Open Data sites as we come across them. Over time, clients have asked for access to this internal document. Here it is, in a slightly redacted form.

This list is not intended to be comprehensive, but it it dynamic and easily updatable by anyone at Cloudpoint. So shoot one of us an email with your REST root folder or AGO homepage. We can help spread the word. Transversely, if you you would like to keep your REST root or AGO page private (and can’t shut it off for some reason) let us know that too. We do not want to get anyone in trouble. If there are no credentials required, we assume the services are intended to be public.