West Plains, Missouri is a town of over 12,000 people and is located about 20 miles north of the Missouri – Arkansas border. Their very capable GIS technician, decided to take the reigns of online GIS by utilizing existing maintenance entitlement users to create an ArcGIS Online Organization.
As the task grew and city administration was looking to upgrade the way that they manage and inventory its features and attributes, they reached out to Cloudpoint about our various Kickstart packages that we offer. Already having ArcGIS Server and wanting to set-up an enterprise solution. We set a few lofty goals for this modified three-day Kickstart.
Set-up basic Versioning
Push few layers to a public viewer*
Get maps out to their field crew
“The first step is to take the first step. ”
One huge reason we were able to complete these tasks was the devotion of existing staff. The GIS technican had set aside these days to come in early and stay late in order to be there every step of the way. A major part of the Kickstart is a Cloudpoint on site to install, train, and work with city staff to not only get the system up and running, but also get everyone familiar with their new GIS. There must be a key staff member available to 'hand the keys' over to. You cannot truly build a GIS in three days, we are not trying to fool anyone. However, you may begin to control of your GIS and take steps to become more self-sufficient.
Making our clients successful helps us be successful.
Contact us for question about how you can take control of your GIS.
* West Plains Has the tools to publish their data publicly online, they are currently awaiting administrative approval.