ILGISA 2018 Review

WOW, has it really been that long without a Blog?

Well Folks, sometimes busy is just too busy. While we are thankful for the work, We also want to keep you up to date with some of the things we have been doing. Below are a few random images from earlier this week when all the full-time staff attended the Illinois GIS Association annual conference in Lisle (Full Disclosure, I stole a few pics from Joe Arizia and Lucy Stanfield). Also, we wanted to have a location to post the presentations that Micah and Erin gave.

Survey123 Eureka!

Survey 123 is a fantastic (and Underutilized) tool. Micah gave an hour-long presentation and hopefully everyone learned some tips! Also, know all the promised Freebiees are on Below is just the images of the presentation and here is a link to the PDF.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD

So as it turns out, Engineers get excited about still using AutoCAD. To get CAD users to consider this, Esri tells them they can control the ACCURACY of their data WITHOUT leaving AutoCAD. Current Version (370) works with AutoCAD 2015+. Existing linework can be turned into feature classes. Share GIS data directly with your CAD users. Below is an ordered set of presentation images. HERE is a link to the PDF.

We do sincerely enjoy ILGISA and all the folks there. Thanks to everyone who make it a great event.