Time is critical in the Emergency Response profession. The accuracy of data allows speed and clear communication. For this reason, the North American Emergency Number Association (NENA) has established GIS standards for Address Point data. We will discuss how address points data comes to look as it does via different placement methodologies. Then we’ll look at previously glossed-over subaddressing fields defined by NENA, and how populated subaddress fields can assist responders.
Spruce up Your Survey123 Skills: Part 1
Survey123 Connect offers an array of ways to create powerful and customized forms for collecting data, but learning how to use some of the functionality can be intimidating. In an attempt to reduce the intimidation and spruce up your existing skills, we will review some of the functionality and how it works.
Highways and GIS: Having the Right Tools for the Job - Permitting and Automation
As technology continues to grow and evolve, so should our workflows. Traditionally, permitting involved a paper form that was provided to the applicant in person or by scanning the document and sending an email. Handwritten applications leave room for error, and paper documents can become lost among the hustle and bustle of office life.
The Role of GIS in NG9-1-1 and EMA
Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) is a technology upgrade to the traditional 9-1-1 emergency response system. It aims to improve the speed and efficiency of emergency response by allowing for the transmission of multimedia information (e.g. text, photos, videos) in addition to voice calls. NG9-1-1 also enables the use of internet protocol (IP) networking, which allows for more flexible and reliable communication between emergency call centers and first responders.
Building and Maintaining a Fiber Optic Network Using GIS and ArcGIS Online
There are thousands of Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) scattered across the U.S. A quick Google search will provide you with a broad range of estimates ranging from 1,200 to 3,000. As many of these ISP’s are located in rural areas, the demand for broadband services has only increased with more people working from home. So how do these small internet service providers handle customer engagement, maintain high-quality services, share information with other staff, all while still keeping good quality as-built maps of their underground cables?
Top 5 Reasons to Move to ArcGIS Pro in 2023
Looking for some new professional goals for the new year? If you’ve not yet made the move to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap, may I suggest that you place that on the top of your list? We all know the time is coming where you’ll need to use ArcGIS Pro for most workflows - some of us were early adopters, some reluctant adopters, and some of us are still holding out.
5 Steps to Build a Facilities Space Planning Dashboard using ArcGIS
Space planning and management is an important part of any college campus or school district. It helps facility managers ensure that they are optimizing the utilization of their space.
Often, facility spaces become underutilized as we move towards a remote hybrid environment. This can create an optimization problem as these unused areas still require costs such as heating and cooling, IT equipment, and general facility maintenance. Many space planning and maintenance personnel are wrestling with how to best address this issue and still provide optimized space usage across campus.
NG9-1-1: Tips for Synchronizing Border Data
Coordination with surrounding PSAP territories allows dispatch redundancy and compounds the effectiveness of Next Generation 9-1-1 by establishing a seamless network through agreed upon boundaries, reviewed borderland addresses, and unified schemas. This work requires communication, agreement, and unified action.
Find Your Bearings: 5 Steps for Creating Subdivisions in ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric
Are you new to the ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric and want to map subdivisions? Find your bearings here with these 5 easy steps. First, review the subdivision plat and legal description. Before you jump into your Parcel Fabric and start editing your Land Records, you will want to read and review the subdivision plat. The plat is the legal record filed with the jurisdictional authority (County Recorder of Deeds, etc.) and is the basis for surveying and mapping a property.
Using GIS & LiDAR to conduct an ADA Site Assessment
ADA compliance is a big issue these days, with many agencies struggling to find resources to address their compliance issues. First and foremost, it is necessary to complete a site assessment of the existing conditions to determine areas that are out of compliance. Once an assessment has been completed, the agency can determine the best course of action to correct non-compliant areas.
No GIS? No Problem!
What is stopping you from accurately locating all of your assets in the field and using that information to make informed, data driven decisions - Cost? Time? Outdated equipment or software?
Cloudpoint has been assisting clients with asset data collection for more than a decade, all while watching the technology continually improve and becoming more affordable at the same time. Gone are the days that a smaller organization would not be able to consider reaping the benefits of GIS. With these advancements we are able to bring GIS to any organization with an affordable, easy-to-use, mobile and collaborative environment.
Using GIS for Campus Facilities: Organizing Digital Floorplans and As-Built Drawings
When setting out to use GIS for Campus or Facility management, it is important to understand what type of data tracking challenges are currently present in your organization. This gets increasingly important to determine as organizations grow larger, start to create more data, and compile more historic records. These challenges typically revolve around the subject of modern-day data storage, but include the following:
Tracing a Path from the Utility Network to Experience Builder
The following videos will walk you through creating and saving trace configurations, publishing them in a web map, and consuming them in ArcGIS Experience Builder with the new beta Utility Network Trace widget. We will also look at how you can incorporate additional widgets, namely the Text and Table widgets, to display and export trace results.
Digitizing Floor Plans for Indoor Data Space Management
pace is expensive. Due to this simple truth, it is important to ensure the accurate digitizing of features and space inside your facilities. As more features get digitized within a designated facility, the inaccuracies will compound when it comes time to calculate the total ‘Gross Area’ and ‘Net Area’ of the building. These two area measurements are used when trying to optimize time, work and money spent on the building. At the very least, space costs about $10 for every square foot.
Better Together: Collecting GIS data with Trimble Catalyst GNSS and ArcGIS Online
Trimble is a global leader in positioning technology and Esri is a best-in-class geospatial software provider. When these two powerhouses converge, great things happen. So you may be asking, ‘How do I get the best of both worlds from these vendors? Now with Trimble Catalyst, getting high accuracy GNSS positioning integrated with the mobile ArcGIS platform has never been easier…
Deciphering the NG9-1-1 Tea Leaves for GIS Components and Timelines
April is Emergency Communications Month. Cloudpoint recognizes the often unacknowledged critical public service our nation's emergency dispatch and response personnel perform each day. Cloudpoint’s NG9-1-1 team proudly assists public safety stakeholders in implementing Next Generation 9-1-1 by preparing GIS data for NG9-1-1 from the current 9-1-1 technology. This implementation process, while systematic, is highly dependent upon the present status of an area’s GIS, ALI, and MSAG data. Therefore, each PSAP…
A New Branch on the Versioning Tree: An Overview of Branch Versioning
Enterprise geodatabase versioning is an integral part of Enterprise GIS workflows and allows for flexible and manageable workflows for multiuser editing scenarios. Branch versioning is a new type of geodatabase versioning available to Esri users. This new type of versioning has been reconfigured to alleviate some of the pain-points when using traditional versioning and relies on a services-based platform for version use and management. The branch versioning configuration also provides the backbone needed to extend available add-ons/usability of GIS data. Certain solutions like the Utility Network, Trace Network, Parcel Fabric, and Indoors within ArcGIS Enterprise all require data to be branch versioned. Another immensely powerful add-on for branch versioned data is the Validation and Batch Calculation Attribute Rules. Branch versioning may be a great solution when evaluating current and anticipated workflows and can open the door to a new age of capabilities for Enterprise GIS data.
Get the Lead Out: Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act
Illinois passed the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act in May of 2021, and it went into effect January 1, 2022. The ultimate goal is the replacement of all water service lines in the state of Illinois. Furthermore, this legislation does not only address replacing lines in public properties or right-of-ways, but replacing lines up to and even into private residences as needed. Sounds like a monumental task? You’re right, but then again, you’ve got Cloudpoint to call upon.
Class is starting, get out your Notebook! An Introduction to using Notebooks in ArcGIS Online
Have you become reliant on Attribute Rules in your desktop workflows? Are you frustrated that you can’t extend those to your ArcGIS Online users? Well, we feel your pain. Attribute Rules have greatly simplified some of our processes and we have been looking for ways to replicate those natively in ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Notebooks provide a web-based tool for ArcGIS Online users to closely replicate workflows built around those Attribute Rules you know and love.
Keeping Up With ArcGIS Indoors
The easiest description of Indoor GIS is that it is used in the same way as regular GIS, just incorporating Indoor capabilities like floor levels and unit-floor-building relations. The Package of ArcGIS Indoors is actually a collection of three applications, including a mobile app and two web-apps, being the Indoor Viewer and the Indoor Space Planner.