Here's an update as to what's going on at Cloudpoint Geographics.
Office Remodel:
I've had some people say they heard we were moving a while back but nothing since then. We are deep into the remodel project and can see light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some quick snapshots of the work being done.

employee spotlight:
Our new office manager, Jodi Hoffman, has been doing an awesome job. Outside of work, Jodi keeps track of three fine young boys (four if you count husband Eric) and keeps things rolling smoothly at home and in the office. We are thankful to have her on our team.
ILGISA Conference 2015:
We are heading to the ILGISA conference in Springfield, IL very soon. Hoping to get moved in to the new office just before that. Be sure to stop by our booth and say hello to our team. We will all be there!
Also Cloudpoint will be sponsoring the new Monday night social so don't miss out on the fun.