Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Do you expand your office space and then hire, or wait until you are too crowded and then seek more space? With being located in a small, rural town in central Illinois, office space can be hard to find. So we decided to expand our facilities prior to increasing the size of our team. On September 9, 2019 we moved into what used to be Hagie Equipment, and prior to that was the Amish furniture store in the main portion of a building originally built by H&D Quality Builders. The new space gives us more room, updated facilities, more parking, better access, and improved visibility as we fill out the middle section of 1407 W. Front St in Roanoke. Here are some photos of the recent move process highlighting our team members hard at work. Thankful for God’s blessings in helping us find new space and looking forward to serving our clients in greater capacity.
Open wide..... We've Moved!
Growing up, I had a mouth full of cavities and now have plenty of fillings to show for it. Little did I know at that time (back when I though I wanted to be a fireman) I would soon be making a living by working in that same building where I would go for routine checkups and teeth cleaning. No, didn't go in to dentistry (although if you stop by we could take a look at your teeth but I wouldn't trust our diagnosis). We recently purchased the former dentist office in Roanoke where just a few short months ago people were getting crowns and caps, now it is used for drones, ipads and desktop PC's. We are excited to make it our new home here at Cloudpoint Geographics.
Ten (10) weeks of renovations consisted of ripping our old sinks and X-ray boxes, hoses, lines, excess wiring, tons of painting, new carpet, and best of all- the lighting. We converted an old lab into a kitchen, and exam rooms are now functioning as high-tech office space. The large window view that so many of us distracted ourselves with while a hygienist scraped on our jowls, is now enjoyed by our staff as each person has their own private office.

We are blessed to have a new spot that so perfectly fits our current needs and the move was just across the parking lot from our old location. Be sure to come by and visit us during our upcoming Open House on October 2nd from 4PM to 6PM.
Coming to an Office near you!
Here's an update as to what's going on at Cloudpoint Geographics.
Office Remodel:
I've had some people say they heard we were moving a while back but nothing since then. We are deep into the remodel project and can see light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some quick snapshots of the work being done.

employee spotlight:
Our new office manager, Jodi Hoffman, has been doing an awesome job. Outside of work, Jodi keeps track of three fine young boys (four if you count husband Eric) and keeps things rolling smoothly at home and in the office. We are thankful to have her on our team.
ILGISA Conference 2015:
We are heading to the ILGISA conference in Springfield, IL very soon. Hoping to get moved in to the new office just before that. Be sure to stop by our booth and say hello to our team. We will all be there!
Also Cloudpoint will be sponsoring the new Monday night social so don't miss out on the fun.